Q: Once I receive a voucher from my employer, how do I book an exam?
A: Login to the ESI portal and register through the system. This allows you to schedule the exam at no cost. If you simply go to pearsonvue.com and register, you will be charged 50% of the exam.
Go to https://esi.microsoft.com and login to the ESI Portal.
Then select 'Certification' and click on 'Schedule Exam' to initiate the scheduling process.
When the screen refreshes, select 'Schedule with Pearson VUE'.
Note: As an employee of an ESI organization, you may need to input your work email address when registering to look for discounts. You should see the 50% off ESI discount as shown below. Click 'Apply Discount'.
A: Login to the ESI portal and register through the system. This allows you to schedule the exam at no cost. If you simply go to pearsonvue.com and register, you will be charged 50% of the exam.
Go to https://esi.microsoft.com and login to the ESI Portal.
After completing the required steps at the PearsonVUE.com scheduling site, like choosing your testing modality, location, time etc., and checking out, you will be presented with the payment and billing screen below with the pre-applied 50% discount.
Click the 'Add Voucher or Promo Code' link located below the Estimated Total Due and enter the voucher number provided to you by your employer.
Once the voucher code is entered, the Estimated Total Due will reduce to zero.